Ten Bedtime Rituals To Add To Your Routine
I can’t say this enough — a good, consistent bedtime routine is essential! But every family does things differently and decides to include aspects and ideas that work for them and their children. Today, I’m rounding up some of the most common bedtime rituals so you can pick and choose which you think might make bedtime a more settling experience for your little ones!
1 // In the hours before bed, close the curtains, use soft lighting where needed and try and keep everywhere as dark as possible to help your child transition from daytime to night-time.
2 // One-on-one time is really important and is especially helpful for children who are dealing with separation anxiety. Family time with both parents (if possible) is a good idea before letting your child spend time with each of you individually for a short while to reconnect before bed. Talk about their day, have cuddles and giggles, enjoy some quiet playtime or engage in some calming activities such as coloring or drawing pictures.

3 // Get the nursery ready for bedtime by using some essential oils or a diffuser to create a sleepy atmosphere for your child.
4 // Encouraging older children to have a quick tidy in their bedroom before starting the bedtime routine is a great idea and allows you to clear away any clutter to aid restful sleep.
5 // Some babies and children enjoy a bath every day but for others, it’s just too exciting or can irritate the skin. Instead of a bath, keep things in routine by substituting for a sink wash or top ‘n’ tail instead.
6 // Baby massage can help little ones to relax and wind down ready for bed.
7 // Reading to your child every night is one of the greatest gifts you can give them. Stories can bring such joy and regularly sharing books at bedtime has been shown to help with speech development and sets the scene for future reading skills.
8 // You might like to sing a lullaby or some of your favorite songs to your child as they drift off to sleep or have a sing-a-long together before they settle down to bed. Try and sing softly and gradually get quieter to ease your baby into their slumber. If you sing together, keep things calm and controlled.
9 // Most babies like to have a feed just before bed whereas older children might benefit from a snack or some supper to fill them up.
10 // White noise usually works well for younger babies as it’s so similar to what your baby’s become used to in the womb. As they get older, you can try pink or brown noise instead and some children also respond positively to classical music or soothing playlists.
What does your bedtime routine look like? Do you do anything special that works well for you and your child?