
Build a bedtime you love

Empowering parents to transform their child’s sleep, gently, without cry it out.

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Been there.
Done that.

As a parent who has experienced the challenges of getting children to sleep, I understand the frustrations and sleepless nights that you’re facing. However, I discovered gentle, effective techniques and strategies that helped my kids sleep better, and now I’m here to share them with you.

Every child is unique, and their sleep is no exception. With my guidance, you can finally understand and work with your child’s sleep personality, bringing peace and tranquillity to your home.

It all started with a baby who didn’t want to sleep.

When my son was born (over 20 years ago), we called him ‘The Amazing Non-Sleeping Baby.’ he was so alert and so awake and even as a newborn, he had FOMO; he did not want to miss anything. That made sleep very challenging. 

I thought my degree in child development would have prepared me to help my adorable baby sleep, but it didn’t. In a sleep-deprived haze, I turned to books. I read so many, and with each one, I was so disappointed; I just knew the techniques they suggested wouldn’t work for my intense and spirited son.

After throwing the books across the room, I vowed to work with and not against him when helping him learn the skills to get the best night’s sleep.

There was a lot of trial and error, but I found what worked, and he became an independent sleeper.

14 months after my son was born, my daughter made a slightly early arrival. I thought I knew exactly how to help her get the best sleep. But she had a very different temperament, and what worked for my son just wouldn’t work for her!

 I needed to tweak the technique and adapt everything to make it as easy as possible for her to learn how to get to sleep and back to sleep.

I have spent the last 15 + years working with families, and I’ve perfected my unique sleep training technique, The Michi Method. 

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You’re overwhelmed by well-meaning sleep advice

When it comes to sleep, the internet can be a scary space! There are thousands of pages of advice, most of which contradict themselves and are one-size-fits-all!

I get it, you’re looking for a technique you’re comfortable with, a technique which isn’t going to compromise your attachment with your child and doesn’t make you feel ick!
I’m glad you’re here. You’ve found your people. We are dedicated to helping families get the best sleep possible without ever leaving a child to cry themselves to sleep or encouraging parents to go against their instincts.

You don’t have to leave your child to cry themselves to sleep!

It is possible for your child to fall asleep without needing you to help them, and it is possible for your child to fall back asleep without help during the night.


Where you can pick up your child whenever you want.

Where you can soothe your child however you want.

That doesn’t involve you needing to ignore your child when they’re crying.


Let’s get you some sleep

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Do it yourself

Take a look at my sleep courses

Work together

Let’s work together

“After two years of being woken up every 20-45 minutes 24/7, I was desperate. My husband and I were not seeing eye to eye, and our we both had surpassed what was once our whit ends! Rebecca listened to our whole story. She listened to my fears, my concerns, and she met me right where we were. No agenda on her part. No, my way or the highway. She met us with an open heart, an open mind, an open slate. Within three days, my non-stop nurser was not nursing at night any longer. Within a week, she was sleeping in her own bed. And all of this, without crying it out. Rebecca, my Husband, and I treated our daughter like a human being. We did not dumb anything down for her, nor did we discredit her discomfort and sadness for moving away from our family bed and away from the all-night milkies. Our life has been changed, and I humbly wish we’d called her earlier. For all of our sake..”


Let’s be friends…

Are you ready for things
to finally change?


Imagine popping your child into bed at the beginning of the night, kissing them, and they happily fall asleep and spend the entire night in bed.

It really works!

“… Rebecca never once asked or advised me to do something I was uncomfortable with. She has wonderful tips, tricks, and ideas that I would never even think of. It really works!”

Here’s my three-step system:

Step One: Start with your child’s unique sleep personality

Starting with my sleep personality quiz, we’ll see where your child is more laidback, more shy, and more intense. When we have a complete understanding of your child’s unique sleep personality, we have the ability to adapt everything to work with them. When we work with your child, we’re not trying to force them to do something that won’t work for them. This saves us a lot of wasted time and energy and get’s us a better night’s sleep quickly and easily.

Step Two: Build a solid sleep foundation

We don’t get started with sleep training; we build a solid sleep foundation. We create sleep-inducing sleep routines, ensure your child is sleeping at the perfect times, and slowly begin to get less involved as your child as you help them to sleep.

Working on this foundation not only makes the next step much easier, but we can also see an improvement in sleep. Your child may have an easier time falling asleep and may sleep for longer stretches.

Step Three: Gently sleep train with The Michi Method

Once our foundation is in place, we are ready to get started gently sleep training with my technique, The Michi Method. The Michi Method is suitable for all sleep personalities; you’ll always remain with your child, pick them up whenever you want to, and soothe them however you need to. We plan to get you less involved gradually, and as you do so, your child will become a more independent sleeper.

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Hey there, I’m Rebecca!


Imagine getting a good night’s sleep!

I’m a children’s sleep consultant, author, course creator and sleep geek. I adore helping families turn their child’s sleep around without even thinking about leaving a child to cry themselves to sleep.

I love helping families take small steps to slowly and gradually improve their child’s sleep. I like to work with families who want to work with their children to get the best sleep possible and aren’t after a quick fix.

sleep tips

Mini-Masterclass Library

Grab some quick tips to help you and your family on your sleep journey.

The Baby Sleep Plan

If you want to learn a little more about how I work or get started with some gentle sleep training, grab a copy of my book. It’s available at all good bookstores and online in the usual places.



These are not quick fixes. You won’t learn steps that are impossible for you to implement, that don’t consider how your child sleeps right now, your parenting philosophy, or your child’s sleep personality.

There’s a lot of crappy sleep advice online, I’m not giving that. I teach sound, gentle sleep advice and support, giving you strategies you can implement without feeling yucky or selling your soul.