Something to wear
Love to Dream Swaddle
I remember the first time I saw a Love to Dream Swaddle Up swaddle. I don’t remember the year (maybe ten years ago?), I was at a trade show and caught a glance of the swaddle. It stopped me in my tracks as I was walking by. I had been advising families for years that swaddling their children with their arms up was the way to go. I would send them videos showing how to swaddle up with the sheet. Though the videos explained it well, it’s complicated and tricky, especially in the middle of the night.
The Love to Dream was PERFECT!
You see, swaddling with arms pinned to their sides is an unnatural sleeping position. I’m sure you’ve seen pictures of babies cutely sleeping with their arms up by their heads. This is a much more natural position for children to sleep in.
When your child is in a natural position, they’re more comfortable. When they’re comfortable, they will have a much easier time sleeping. It makes sense. You only sleep well if you’re comfortable.

There is another reason I’m in love with Swaddle Up; it is so much easier to transition out of when the time is right.
Looking at moving away from the swaddle isn’t something you’re necessarily thinking about when you’re buying a swaddle, but it is certainly worth thinking about. As the Swaddle Up keeps arms in a more natural position, it is much easier to move away from. When your child’s swaddled with arms pinned to sides, and you move away from swaddling, suddenly arms can move and trying to sleep unswaddled will feel so different. It will take longer for your child to adjust, and their night may be quite disturbed until they get comfortable with their arms free.

The Love to Dream Swaddle Up is stretchy (think high-quality jersey fabric), it keeps baby snug, but they have some wiggle room. It’s shaped to be snug around the arms and torso, perfect for suppressing the startle reflex, and looser around the hips and legs. The two-way zipper makes diaper changes during the night much more manageable. You won’t need to take the swaddle off. You can keep their arms and torso swaddled whilst you quickly change the diaper and then quickly zip them back in.
I am a huge fan of the Love to Dream Swaddle Up, it’s a swaddle every newborn needs.
I have not been paid for this review. These are my honest thoughts on the product.