Yay, Your Kid is Sick! (Said No Parent Ever)
Did you know that little kids under 4 years old get sick between 8 to 12 times a year? And even the big kids, ages 5 and up, still manage to get sick 5 to 7 times annually. Hooray for germs! As a parent, I’m sure you’re thrilled about this.
But don’t worry, I’ve got your back. I’ve been working with families for over 20 years, and I’ve learned a thing or two about helping kids sleep better when they’re feeling under the weather. Let’s dive in!

First, if you’re really worried about your child’s health, definitely talk to their doctor. They’re the experts, and they can make sure everything is okay.
Now, when your little one isn’t feeling their best, they might seem extra tired during the day. That’s because a sick kid often has a harder time sleeping at night. Their bodies are busy fighting off the ickies, so they don’t rest as well.
But we can help make sleep a bit easier! The key is keeping your child as comfortable as possible.
Let’s start with fevers. If your newborn (under 3 months) has a temp above 100.4°F/38.0°C, or your 3-6-month-old is running a fever over 102.2°/39°C, you’ll want to call the doctor right away. In babies, a fever can be a sign of something more serious.
For older kiddos, a fever isn’t always a bad thing – it’s just your child’s body fighting off an infection. To help them feel better, try dressing them in lighter clothing and doing some skin-to-skin snuggles. The extra body contact can actually help regulate their temperature.
Colds can be a real pain too, with all that stuffy nose and coughing business. Try raising the head of their bed a bit to help drain those sinuses. If your child is under 12 months, you should only raise the head end to a maximum of 10°; if your child is over 12 months, you can raise it up to 30°. You can get an app for your phone that can help you measure. Don’t go overboard – you don’t want them sliding down! And a cool mist humidifier can make breathing so much easier.
Oh, and there’s an old trick about putting Vicks on their feet and then socking them up. I’m not sure it works, but many parents swear by it for calming coughs. Just ensure you’re using an age-appropriate Vicks Vaporub.
Lastly, keep those cleaning supplies handy if your child is dealing with tummy troubles and vomiting! Double up the sheets on the bed, with a waterproof layer in between, so you can quickly swap out the yucky ones in the middle of the night. Believe me, this will save you from having to put on clean sheets at 3 am.
Just remember, even when your kid is feeling lousy, make sure they’re still getting enough fluids. Solid foods might be less appealing, but those milk or formula feeds are super important. So don’t stress if your child wants to feed again during the night. Remember, feeding is not just calories in, it is also very calming and soothing for your child. A snot sucker can be a godsend before a feed. Don’t worry about bad habits. You can always get back on track when your child is feeling better (check out this masterclass if you are struggling to get back on track.).
So there you have it! With a bit of preparation and creativity, you can help your sick kiddo get the rest they need to feel better, fast. Now go forth and conquer those germs!