What to do When Baby Will Only Nap on You
Let’s face it. You are your baby’s world. You are the most comfortable cushion in the whole wide world. You smell just right, you feel just right, and the sound of your heartbeat is perfectly soothing, calming, and hypnotic. Why wouldn’t your baby just want to stay there in your arms all day? And especially at nap time- babies need to feel safe and secure as they sleep, and there is no better place for feeling that way. The thing is, when your baby will only nap on you, it can be a double-edged sword. At first, it’s lovely. It’s nice to enjoy that precious bonding time, to strengthen your relationship, and to really slow down and make the most of the fourth trimester. But let’s be realistic. Even if you don’t plan on doing chores while your baby sleeps, you still need bathroom breaks now and then! The fact is that when baby will only nap on you, you aren’t doing much to encourage independent sleeping, and you don’t have any downtime at all. Parenting is exhausting; it’s ok to need a break. If you’re nodding along as you read this, here are my top three tips to help.

Decide whether it’s a problem or not
This first tip might not be what you were expecting at all! When we become parents, we’re suddenly on the receiving end of lots of well-meaning tips and advice, along with tales of what worked well for others, what books we should read, and what programs we should follow. But what if we disregarded all of that and acted upon instinct alone? Ask yourself one question: does my baby napping on me cause a problem for me? If the answer is no, then please just carry on as you are. A sleep issue is only an issue if YOU are unhappy with it. If your baby napping on you works for you, then don’t let anyone else tell you you’re ‘doing it wrong’ or ‘making a rod for your own back’. Truly, you cannot spoil a baby with too much love!
And actually, by allowing your baby to be dependent on you for as long as they need, you’re teaching them the skills they need to be independent of you eventually. You’re giving them comfort, you’re reassuring them that you’re there for them, and you’re building their confidence gently. There is nothing wrong with that! As long as you’re happy and your baby is happy, it really doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks. Make sure you have everything you need before nap time and settle down to enjoy the cuddles.
Gently break the habit
If your baby napping on you is indeed an issue, then fear not. That’s perfectly fine too, and there is plenty that you can do to gently break the habit. Because this is essentially what you will need to do. Once your baby is no longer newborn, but still napping on you, chances are it’s become a habit they’re more than a little reluctant to break. You will need a gentle approach to solve this, lots of patience, and lots of consistency- but it can be done. Get in touch for tips on how to do this.
Make sure your routine is perfect
Your daily routine will need regular tweaking as your baby grows and your family needs change. It’s a good idea to regularly assess the routine whether the baby napping on you is an issue or not. A good, flexible routine will allow room for changes in the length of naps and nap times and can be used to your advantage while you’re away, or there are disruptions to your usual timetable. When it comes to nap time, make sure you follow the same order of events each time so that your baby is not only reassured and feels safe but so that they know without a doubt that it is time to sleep. If baby does nap on you, keep an eye on the time and don’t be tempted to stay like that all day long- the rest of your day will suffer if you do, and bedtime won’t be as easy as it could be if you stick to your routine!