The Montessori Bedroom
When you think of a Montessori bedroom, you may think of a floor bed, but a Montessori inspired room goes way beyond a mattress on the floor.
In this post, you’ll learn more about Dr Maria Montessori, how a Montessori bedroom is different, as well as how you can create a Montessori bedroom.
Let’s dive in.

Who was Dr Maria Montessori?
Dr Maria Montessori developed the Montessori method of education in Italy in the early 20th century. She was one of the first women in Italy to go to medical school.
She opened her first school in early 1907 in Rome, Italy. The school was for children whose parents worked, and they were left to their own devices during the days. The children were encouraged to learn from their surroundings. They used materials Maria designed that provided freedom for children to follow their natural desire to learn.
The Montessori Method has five principles.
Respect for the child
Maria Montessori believed children should be respected; this really wasn’t common in the early 20th century. Respect is shown for children by not interrupting their concentration. Children have the freedom to make choices, do things for themselves, and learn for themselves. Children are not interrupted when they are concentrating.
The Absorbent Mind
Children are constantly learning from the world around them. Through their senses, children constantly absorb information from their world.
Sensitive Periods
There are periods during which children are more ready to learn specific skills. These are known as sensitive periods and last as long as is necessary for the child to acquire the skills.
The Prepared Environment
Children learn best in an environment that has been prepared to enable them to do things for themselves. This is always child-centred; the learning environment should promote freedom for children to explore the materials of their choice.
Auto education
Auto education, or self-education, is the concept that children are capable of educating themselves. This is one of the essential beliefs in the Montessori method.
How is a Montessori bedroom different?
As children thrive when they have the freedom to move and learn independently, they should be able to freely move around their room, where all learning materials are readily available.
You may have seen a Montessori bed; this could be a mattress on the floor. The bed is low to the ground, so the child can easily get off the bed whenever they desire, yep, even babies.
Toys and learning materials are stored on low open shelves, as are your child’s clothes.
All furniture is child-sized, so the child fosters independence.
A Montessori bedroom will have a mirror, and artwork is displayed at your child’s level.
Creating a Montessori bedroom.
Don’t feel that you need to be 100% Montessori to create a Montessori bedroom for your child. You can pick and choose the aspects you like and introduce them into your child’s bedroom.
Floor bed
A low bed or floor bed gives your child the opportunity to get themselves in and out of bed independently.
Many families will have their baby sleep on a floor bed.
As your child will be able to get out of their bed when they choose, you will want to make sure that the bedroom the safe.
The furniture in the Montessori bedroom is child-sized and accessible. This gives your child more independence, as they don’t require help to use. If your child sits in a high chair, they need help getting into it. They may need help getting into a chair; if it is child-sized, they can do it themselves.
The accessible furniture means that your child can get out which activities they want when they want.
Your child’s clothes should be accessible so they can choose what to wear, as well as easy for them to get on.
If you don’t want to have all their clothes out, you can keep a selection out in the room.
Every Montessori bedroom has a mirror. A mirror is used with infants next to the bed, so your child can look at themselves. As your child grows, the mirror can be placed near your child’s clothing so they can check on themselves as they get dressed.
Books are an important part of a Montessori bedroom. Books should be on a low bookshelf where your child can easily choose the book they desire. Keep a few books out with your baby. As your child grows, you can have more books available in the bedroom.
Toys are usually made with natural materials. They are available on the low shelves in the room so your child can use the toys they want.
Are you a Slumber Academy member? Check out the Montessori Bedroom Masterclass.

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