Newborn essentials?
Before you become a parent, you read a lot about ‘newborn essentials’ and the must-have items that you just have to have for your impending arrival. Chances are, you spend weeks or even months stock piling various gadgets and devices that maybe you will use- and maybe you won’t. But how can you tell what is truly an essential, and what is just not necessary- especially if you have no previous babies to look back on? These days online reviews are easy to come by but it’s real mum’s views that really get me interested. We had a quick check to see what gadgets are being hailed as this year’s ‘must-have’ newborn essentials… and then decided to write our own little list! What would you add?
- Sleep and your child’s temperament. Obviously. This is my book, and it is a true newborn essential, you know. On a serious note, it’s worth knowing about your baby’s sleep habits and what to expect before they turn up and hopefully my book has it covered. Your child’s personality affects the way that they sleep, meaning that one sleep solution does not fit all! Worth knowing.
- A white noise app. This will revolutionise the way you settle your newborn. For more information, see this post– but for now, take it from me. White noise helps to emulate conditions in the womb and soothes newborn babies, helping them sleep better and for longer periods. You can buy fancy machines but the best thing you can do is to download an app, or set your radio to static. Works like a charm.
- A swaddle blanket. Swaddling is a fantastic way to soothe and settle newborn babies and is a practise that has been passed down for generations. You can use a square sheet or blanket, or you can invest in a specially designed swaddler, like this one from ErgoBaby– a great choice because it has a healthy hip positioner which allows for natural movement of baby’s hips and legs as recommended by the International Hip Dysplasia Institute. Swaddling= better sleep. Essential.
- A journal or a blog. Okay maybe not essential, but believe me when I tell you that the baby phase goes so quick! Before you know it they are walking, then talking, then at school! A journal or a blog can help to document the small things that you might not remember otherwise and it would make a lovely gift on their 18th.
We’d love to hear your newborn essentials!