Energy Saving Lightbulbs and Sleep
In an age where living an eco-friendly life is so important, many of us strive to do as much as we can to save energy and protect the planet. I think most of us use energy-saving lightbulbs- so let’s look a little closer at what their use could mean in terms of sleep for you and your baby.
Benefits of energy-saving lightbulbs
I love energy-saving lightbulbs, their benefits of them are really attractive. They last a lot longer for one, which helps families to save money overall. Energy-saving lightbulbs also use less electricity than incandescent lightbulbs, which positively impacts the environment.

Effects of energy-saving lightbulbs on sleep
Sadly, energy-saving lightbulbs can harm sleep- for both you and your child. The reason for this is fairly simple; it all comes down to the spectrum of light used in the bulbs. This spectrum of light is identical to that created by the sun- a very bright, blue light. This blue light is also emitted by screens such as laptops, cell phones and televisions etc., all of which are renowned for interrupting sleep.
These lights, if present in the room where your child is attempting to sleep, can hinder the body’s production of melatonin, preventing your child from falling asleep. Melatonin is produced once we’re in a dark, dim environment and is the hormone that induces sleep. So it stands to reason that if it’s inhibited, sleep will become an issue.
Your nighttime routine
While you’re going through the motions of your child’s bedtime routine, any energy-saving lightbulbs you have in place around the home are going to impact their sleep. The effect of their use is that the brain is not ready to allow the body to sleep because there is effectively sunlight in the room- and therefore, melatonin production is inhibited. Your child could find it harder to fall asleep and remain asleep due to this, which is the last thing you want!
There’s no need to replace all of your energy-saving lightbulbs, you can use an incandescent lightbulb in the bedroom, and now companies make energy-saving bulbs that have an orange hue and don’t have such a negative impact on sleep.