Gently turning drama into dreamland
About Rebecca
Sleep Tips
How to determine how much sleep your child needs
April Q & A 22
When do babies sleep through the night?
The Montessori Bedroom
Safe sleeping in the summer
Re-adjusting the day routine – When to do it and how
What is Normal Baby Sleep?
10 facts about baby sleep you never knew you knew
How to stop rocking your child to sleep
Newborn sleep tips
Swaddling: reasons to do it
Nap and Night Routines
Transitioning out of the swaddle
Tips for using a pacifier
Bedtime routine guide
How to stop safe bed sharing
Nap in the dark?
The No Stress Guide to Introducing a Quiet Time
When to Bed Share
What is sleeping through the night?
Should you get your newborn on a sleep schedule?
Room Sharing and Your Baby’s Sleep
What’s the difference between bed sharing and co-sleeping?
How To Create A Calm and Comforting Sleeping Space for Your Child
Preparing siblings for a new baby
Easy sweet rituals for creating a secure attachment with your newborn
Moving from your room
Move to own room
Spring Clean Your Nursery for Better Sleep
Introducing an okay to wake clock
Does your child rub their head before sleep?
5 Ways to Naturally Boost Melatonin Production
10 things you need to know about naps
Making Bathtime Fun for Babies
Why a good bedtime routine is essential
Snooze or Lose: Winning the Toddler Bedtime Game
Should you give your toddler a snack before bed?
Tips to Get Baby to Sleep and Stay Asleep
After swaddle
Baby massage: tips for getting started
Creating the ideal sleep environment for babies
What temperature should your child’s bedroom be?
Dreamfeeds: how they work and what you need to know
The importance of the Bedtime Story
Bedroom Safety
The art of ‘drowsy but awake’…
Help Ease Separation Anxiety with a Lovey
Yes, your child does need a nap routine
White Noise: what you need to know
How a Newborn Really Sleeps