Gently turning drama into dreamland
About Rebecca
Sleep Issues
Blog posts about sleep issues.
How giving your child a bath at bedtime can sabotage sleep
Why does my child wake so much?
20-Minute Naps
Newborn Baby Not Sleeping?
Should my newborn be sleeping through?
Sleep during a heatwave
When your baby nurses all night…
What to try when you can’t lay your newborn down
Why you shouldn’t use the threat of an early night as punishment
How Your Baby’s Naps Affect Night Time Sleep
Daily routine after waking early
Mistakes parents make when gentle sleep training
Pre-term babies and sleep: at home
Pre-term babies and sleep: in the hospital
Dealing With an Overtired Child
Night-time potty training
Your Child’s Temperament
When Baby Starts Waking in the Night Again…
Travelling with Babies and Toddlers
The 10-minute practice for helping your overtired child fall asleep
Sleep Solutions: Dealing with a Newborn Who Will Only Nap Whilst Being Held
When to Expect Your Baby to Sleep Through the Night
Oh, tiredness
Energy Saving Lightbulbs and Sleep
Can the full moon impact sleep?
April Q & A 22
Reasons Why Your Baby is Sleeping More
Cracking the Nighttime Hunger Code: Steps to Reduce Feeds and Improve Sleep
Will baby only nap on you?
How can changes to your daily routine help your child sleep at night?
Live Q & A – Dec 20th 2022
Newborn Baby Sleep
Why is there so much BS around night feeds?
March Q & A
What to do when you can’t lay your baby down!
Live Q As
Should You Use a Toddler Clock for Early Wakings?
Why can’t we get back on track after teething/illness/travel?
One mother’s story: trying to sleep after a traumatic birth
Short Naps and What to do About Them
Minute Nap Causes and Solutions
Helping baby sleep on vacation
Three Reasons Why Your Newborn Isn’t Sleeping
What to do when your child is climbing out of the crib
Naptime can be the best time of the day, for parents. Don’t let them ever end…
Developmental leaps and how they affect sleep
Dealing with separation anxiety
How Much Screen Time for Your Toddler?
Sleep Tip: A Snack Before Bed
Tired Signs. How waiting for them can sabotage sleep