Gently turning drama into dreamland
About Rebecca
Sleep Issues
Blog posts about sleep issues.
Temperament and Sleep: What You Need to Know
How giving your child a bath at bedtime can sabotage sleep
What to do When It’s Light at Bedtime
Three Reasons Why Your Newborn Isn’t Sleeping
Dealing With an Overtired Child
Yes, your child does cry in their sleep
Sleep tips for twins and more
How to deal with short naps
Can the full moon impact sleep?
Regression, Phase or Habit?
Dealing with separation anxiety
The 10-minute practice for helping your overtired child fall asleep
Late Naps: What to Do
Dealing with an over tired baby
Daily routine after waking early
Pre-term babies and sleep: in the hospital
Poorly Babies and Sleep
What Your Baby’s Short Nap Really Means
Sleep Solutions: Dealing with a Newborn Who Will Only Nap Whilst Being Held
Moving your child to their own bed for sleep
Why is there so much BS around night feeds?
Sleep Tip: A Snack Before Bed
What To Do When… Your Child Wakes Up Hungry
Why can’t we get back on track after teething/illness/travel?
Sleep and travel: how to cope?
Sleep Myth: White noise will always help your child sleep
Your child’s sleep illness
20-Minute Naps
Your Child’s Teething Timeline
What to do when your child cries when they are in or near the crib
Pre-term babies and sleep: at home
Cracking the Nighttime Hunger Code: Steps to Reduce Feeds and Improve Sleep
Night-time potty training
Newborn Baby Sleep
Rice cereal in your baby’s bottle
Naptime can be the best time of the day, for parents. Don’t let them ever end…
Coping with Evening Crying
Top Three Reasons why Parents Lose Sleep
Sleep during a heatwave
Snooze or Lose: Winning the Toddler Bedtime Game
What to do When Baby Will Only Nap on You
How can changes to your daily routine help your child sleep at night?
PURPLE Crying — Explained!
A newborn baby sleep diary
Dealing with 20 Minute Naps
Short Naps and What to do About Them
Will baby only nap on you?
Different types of sleep regressions
How Your Baby’s Naps Affect Night Time Sleep
Three Common Toddler Sleep Problems and How to Solve Them