Gently turning drama into dreamland
About Rebecca
Posts by Rebecca Michi:
April Q & A 22
Sleep Training Should be Like Learning to Ride a Bike
How sleep training changes depending on your child’s sleep personality
Sleep Training Change Age
March Q & A
Should you get your newborn on a sleep schedule?
Sleep when you return to work
Live Q & A Feb 28th
Different types of sleep regressions
What to try when you can’t lay your newborn down
Live Q A Jan 31
Yes, your child does need a nap routine
What your child’s short nap really means
Make sure your child doesn’t miss their nap
5 Things you should really know about naps
Live Q & A – Dec 20th 2022
Transitioning out of the swaddle
Parenting when exhausted
How giving your child a bath at bedtime can sabotage sleep
Can the full moon impact sleep?
Why do some sleep consultants….
Live Q & A – Nov 29th 2022
Baby Tired Signs
Rice cereal in your baby’s bottle
Sleep Tip: A Snack Before Bed
Why you shouldn’t use the threat of an early night as punishment
Sleep Myth: White noise will always help your child sleep
What age or weight should your child be before they can sleep through the night?
Do you need smoke detectors in your bedrooms?
4 Tips for waking your toddler without them being a grump!
Don’t use bed or an early night as a punishment
What temperature should your child’s bedroom be?
9 Reasons your child wakes too early
Prime Day Sleep Deals
Can you help your child sleep later in the morning?
Daily Routine After Waking Early
How to determine how much sleep your child needs
Is that early wake up really an early wake up?
Daily routine after waking early
Moving from the crib to a toddler bed
Gently sleep training a toddler with The Michi Method
Gently Sleep Training Your Toddler With The Michi Method
Why do sleep consultants say they don’t use cry it out when they use cry it out?
Can you reduce night feeds without sleep training?
How to get started sleep training when you’re feeling overwhelmed
Night feeds, what’s normal
Why is there so much BS around night feeds?
How to stop safe bed sharing
When to stop bed sharing
When should you stop bed sharing?