5 Things to Consider Before Gentle Sleep Training
If you want to make gentle sleep training a breeze, you need to consider these 5 things.
Let’s not beat around the bush; you don’t need a long intro.
Let’s go!
1. What are your goals?
Duh! Sleep!
Of course, but are your goals realistic? Is your goal to have your 9-week old sleep through the night? 4-month-old dropping all night feeds?
You want to set yourself up with realistic goals. You can find out about normal sleep and realistic goals HERE.
2. How long do you have?
Only got a week? Honestly? Gentle sleep training isn’t for you.
When you are gently working with your child, you get less and less involved, which can be slow progress. When I work with families, from start to finish, it’s around 6-weeks.
3. What’s your child’s sleep personality?
If you’re not sure what your child’s sleep personality is, you won’t know what to expect or how to work with them.
4. Is your child ready?
You’re ready but is your child? I wouldn’t consider getting started with some gentle sleep training until your child is at least 4-months old, and then that depends on their sleep personality. If your child is laid back gaining weight well, you can get started with gentle sleep training. Remember, you probably won’t be able to get them sleeping through the night or drop all their night feeds.
If your child has a shy or intense sleep personality, you may have an easier time waiting until your child is nearer to 6-months old. They may have a much easier time if you wait a little longer. Parenting is hard enough don’t make sleep more challenging than it needs to be.
5. Anything BIG happening?
Though there isn’t really a perfect time to get started with some gentle sleep training, there are certainly some times when you don’t want to get started.
Obviously, if your child is unwell, you shouldn’t get started. Are you moving house? Started daycare? Going back to work?
All of these things will impact how your child sleeps and trying to sleep train gentle or not will be so much more challenging.

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