Pick my Brain


Let’s get all your sleepy questions answered.

If you don’t need a one-on-one package but have plenty of sleep questions, a pick-my-brain call is perfect for you.

Receive immediate, practical advice, tips, tricks and strategies to begin working on your child’s sleep today.

During our call...

…we can discuss any questions you have regarding your child’s sleep. 

Let’s figure out night wakings, short naps, sleep when travelling, preparing for your newborn, and anything related to sleep!

Other things I am more than happy to discuss on our call are- how British Breakfast Tea is far superior to Earl Grey, Agatha Christie novels and Formula One.

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At the end of our call…

…you’ll have clear goals, an easy-to-implement plan, the steps you need to take to reach your goals and the confidence to help your child get the best sleep possible.

This is for you if…

you love sleep.

you would love to help your child love sleep as much as you do!

you have a lot of sleep questions.

you don’t know where or how to get started working on sleep.

you’re feeling a little overwhelmed by all the conflicting advice on the internet.

you are expecting or have a child under 6 years old.

This is NOT for you if…

you hate sleep.

you would like me to magically make your child sleep through the night.

you don’t have a lot of sleep questions.

your expecting a full plan for working on sleep (check out my one-on-one packages).

your child is over 6 years old.